CN95 Cabin Filters: C represents the “Car”, reached the medical representatives N95,N95 masks level filtering effect. Like masks, car cabin filters also have different levels of filtration efficiency. The filtration efficiency for particles ≥0.3μm has reached 95%, which means it has reached the “CN95 level” protection effect, which can quickly purify the air in the car, besides the conventional step-by-step filtration of dust, harmful gases, PM2.5 particles, etc. Especially for droplets with a diameter of more than 0.74μm, which are often attached to the new coronavirus, it has a better filtering effect and can effectively isolate the new coronavirus(COVID-19). It is like wearing a “CN95 mask!”.This means that fine dust particles, bacteria and virus aerosols can be blocked. It should be noted that the higher the filter efficiency level, the easier it is to accumulate dust, and the ventilation and service life are relatively low. This is the same reason that we feel suffocated when we wear N95 masks.