Company News
What Is APR?
APR stands for Accumulair Performance Rating. This rating has been established by the manufactu...
Why Should I Use A Humidifier?
People need a certain level of humidity to be comfortable. In the winter, indoor humidity can be...
What is Activated Carbon?
Activated carbon is effective at removing gas molecules and odors. Activated carbon is the most ...
What Is the CFM Rate?
The CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) is the measurement of how much air passes through the unit. For ...
What is Electrical Attraction?
Electrical attraction is another technology used by air purifier appliances to trap airborne par...
How Does HEPA Filtration Work?
For many years, HEPA air filters have been used in air purifiers to filter particles. HEPA filte...
What is HEPA Filtration?
The human eye can’t see a particle smaller than 10 microns so many of the particulates captured ...
What is a HEPA Filter?
HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are well proven filtration devices that continue ...
What Is An Air Cleaner?
An “air cleaner” is another term for an “air purifier.” Both are designed to remove indoor air p...