Company News
Why Should I Regularly Change the Air Cleaner Filter?
For several reasons: 1.Dirty air filters represent the #1 cause of system breakdown. A dirty ...
What is the Air Cleaner Filter Made of? What Makes HEPA Different From Other Filters?
Air cleaner filters are made of a variety of materials, including fiberglass, cotton, carbon, pa...
Does an Air Cleaner Eliminate My Need to Dust?
Not completely. There will always be some dust that settles on furniture, as is it is too heavy ...
How Does an Air Cleaner Work?
The air cleaners we offer are installed with your HVAC system. When the furnace blower is on (a...
Does Outdoor Air Quality Affect Indoor Air Quality?
Yes. The outdoor environment plays a key role in what happens inside. For instance, if the Ameri...
What are Electrostatic Filters, or Electrostatic Precipitators?
Electrostatic filters use an electrostatic charge to attract pollutants and trap them on collect...
How Can I Eliminate Dust Throughout My Home?
Dust is actually a combination of dirt, pollen, hair, dead skin, pet dander, dust mites, dust mi...
How Do I Know If My Furnace Is Leaking Carbon Monoxide?
If you are concerned about carbon monoxide in your home then the smartest thing you can do is to...
What If I Forget To Change My AC or Furnace Filter or Do not Change It At All?
There is more than one problem that can arise from not regularly changing your air filter. These...